Many Difficult to Find/Older Pins For Sale
Hi! Thanks for Stopping By.
I am helping an older friend sell some of her pins. She is trying to downsize.
Prices are shown for both Paypal FF/Goods.
Shipping is $3 for first 4 pins and to be determined for more.
I will ship overseas, but I need to figure shipping for that as well.
I am starting with Lilo and Stitch and will move on to the others.
Her pinpics is jbbpins. There are a few items there that she would
accept as a trade.
If you think her prices are too high or too low, please let me know.
Please PM me for more information or to purchase.
Row 1:
Pin# 12572 Disney Store - Lilo (Hula Dancing) Slider $10/$10.60
Pin# 12732 Lilo & Stitch (Nani and Lilo) $20/20.90
Pin# 24051 Stitch Sundays (Lilo and Stitch Surfing in an Inner Tube) $10/$10.60
Pin# 12555 Lilo & Stitch (Tricycle/Big Wheeler) $5/5.45 SOLD
Row 2:
Pin# 17757 DLR - Lilo and Scrump Doll $10/$10.60
Pin# 24049 Stitch Sundays (Lilo Giving Stitch a Bath) $10/$10.60
Pin# 29953 M&P - Lilo & Stitch Gang (Red Cruiser) $20/$20.90
Pin# 23892 DLR - Mickey's All American Pin Trading Festival (Lilo) Surprise $25/$26
Row 3:
Pin# 26849 WDW - Lilo Kissing Stitch Santa Pin $10/$10.60
Pin# 26944 DLR - Lilo & Stitch Santa's Helpers $25/$26
Pin# 22991 WDW - Lilo Holding Fish Error Pin $20/$20.90
Pin# 24043 Stitch Sundays (Lilo & Stitch with Record Player) $15/$15.75 (SOLD)
Row 4:
Pin# 24683 Lilo & Stitch Starter Kit Lanyard (Lilo) $5/$5.45 (SOLD)
Pin# 24684 Lilo & Stitch Starter Kit Lanyard (Stitch) $5/$5.45 (SOLD)
Pin# 24050 Stitch Sundays (Lilo Brushing Stitch's Teeth) $10/$10.60 (SOLD)
Pin# 25774 Lilo & Stitch Snow Day Pin $12/$12.65
Row 5:
Pin# 23360 DLR - Lilo & Stitch Surfboard $10/$10.60 (SOLD)
Pin# 53131 WDW - Nurses Day 2007 (Lilo & Stitch) $20/$20.90
Pin# 35151 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Lilo Snapshot #2 $40/$41.50
Pin# 25544 Disney Catalog - Catalog Cover Art Set #5 (Lilo & Stitch) $20/$20.90
I am helping an older friend sell some of her pins. She is trying to downsize.
Prices are shown for both Paypal FF/Goods.
Shipping is $3 for first 4 pins and to be determined for more.
I will ship overseas, but I need to figure shipping for that as well.
I am starting with Lilo and Stitch and will move on to the others.
Her pinpics is jbbpins. There are a few items there that she would
accept as a trade.
If you think her prices are too high or too low, please let me know.
Please PM me for more information or to purchase.
Row 1:
Pin# 12572 Disney Store - Lilo (Hula Dancing) Slider $10/$10.60
Pin# 12732 Lilo & Stitch (Nani and Lilo) $20/20.90
Pin# 24051 Stitch Sundays (Lilo and Stitch Surfing in an Inner Tube) $10/$10.60
Pin# 12555 Lilo & Stitch (Tricycle/Big Wheeler) $5/5.45 SOLD
Row 2:
Pin# 17757 DLR - Lilo and Scrump Doll $10/$10.60
Pin# 24049 Stitch Sundays (Lilo Giving Stitch a Bath) $10/$10.60
Pin# 29953 M&P - Lilo & Stitch Gang (Red Cruiser) $20/$20.90
Pin# 23892 DLR - Mickey's All American Pin Trading Festival (Lilo) Surprise $25/$26
Row 3:
Pin# 26849 WDW - Lilo Kissing Stitch Santa Pin $10/$10.60
Pin# 26944 DLR - Lilo & Stitch Santa's Helpers $25/$26
Pin# 22991 WDW - Lilo Holding Fish Error Pin $20/$20.90
Pin# 24043 Stitch Sundays (Lilo & Stitch with Record Player) $15/$15.75 (SOLD)
Row 4:
Pin# 24683 Lilo & Stitch Starter Kit Lanyard (Lilo) $5/$5.45 (SOLD)
Pin# 24684 Lilo & Stitch Starter Kit Lanyard (Stitch) $5/$5.45 (SOLD)
Pin# 24050 Stitch Sundays (Lilo Brushing Stitch's Teeth) $10/$10.60 (SOLD)
Pin# 25774 Lilo & Stitch Snow Day Pin $12/$12.65
Row 5:
Pin# 23360 DLR - Lilo & Stitch Surfboard $10/$10.60 (SOLD)
Pin# 53131 WDW - Nurses Day 2007 (Lilo & Stitch) $20/$20.90
Pin# 35151 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Lilo Snapshot #2 $40/$41.50
Pin# 25544 Disney Catalog - Catalog Cover Art Set #5 (Lilo & Stitch) $20/$20.90
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