I am doing a sale on this beautiful Memorial Day to help raise money for a cause near and dear to my heart, young adults with cancer.
CuckFancer. is an organization started by my brother, Ben, who was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma at the age of 18. After multiple battles in/out of remission, he is currently CANCER FREE! thanks to a bone marrow transplant. This organization is his vision to help young adults not feel stigmatized by their cancer.
CuckFancer. is an organization dedicated to raising awareness for young adult cancer by helping young survivors into the work force. CuckFancer. is the middle man, the head hunter, and the go-to organization for anyone who seeks employment but finds themselves without the proper resources. We believe that having something to work towards while beginning to feel like your normal self is a vital aspect to a strong recovery. It is important to us to make sure that together we can defeat this disease both mentally and physically. We will not stop until the war on cancer has been won.
From this sale, 20% of everything sold will be directly donated to CuckFancer. We are currently working on our first "
Cuck It Grant" right now! So if you know any young adults (18-26 year olds) with cancer, have them check us out! We are looking for young individuals who have been affected by cancer and need specific financial assistance. Also, please feel free to explore the website if you want to learn more about what we do!
With that being said, shipping for pins will be $2.50 + $.50 for each additional pin ($5.00 maximum). International shipping will be at cost. Offers for multiple pins will be considered. I will also be updating by trades list, so feel free to ask about any of those too. Enjoy!!
Pins on this page are $2 each save for the following:
Pluto Character face Completer $3
Duffy Conductor $4
Fab 5 Popcorn $3 each
Big Bad Wolf $3
SOLD: Mad Tea Party Pins (all), 1 D for Duchess, Duffy Mickey Ears, Both Duffy Chasers, Fab 5 Popcorn (Pluto/Goofy), Coffin Pins
Admit One Tickets: $2
Black Cauldron: $2
World of Color Fountains: $18 (free shipping)
Character hats: $2 each, all for $5
Shirts: $2 each
Crests: $2 each
Construction Wall set (with completer): $45 (free shipping)
SOLD: Black Cauldron Hen Wen (pig)
All 8 pins, no lanyard: $15 (free shipping) They make for easy cast traders! Less than $2/pin
HalloweenTime Annual Passholder Set: $80 (free shipping)
Thank you for looking!
"Remember, It's how you wear it!"