Merida pin for my wife!!! For xmas!!
I know there is not a HUGE selection and most are highly sought after but I have to try!
She does not like pin trading at all but last night when we watched a commercial for the new DVD release her eyes got wide! She loved the movie and when I mentioned they have pins out of her I had to ask you all!
I have a neat idea on how to give this to her on xmas too! If I can track one down~!
Here are the 2 I am looking for...
Pin 90212: Brave - Booster Set - Merida and Triplet Cubs
Pin 89485: Brave - Princess Merida <--- this would probably be her favorite!
I am willing to buy it ( considering my collection does not have a good amount of traders) but trading would be fine too
Let me know and thanks in advance!