Mickey’s of Glendale! Dec 6th 2014
Where do you park then???
No idea, I've never been. But if it's like how DLR was with the Anna PTN release, you park on a public street in a residential area blocks away and then walk.
Please don't remind me of that release... :cry:
I've never been to the event but since this is a first come first serve event with NO street parking (and they don't start letting people onto the campus until 8/9 am), I expect it'll be like the DSF releases of old times with campouts galore.
I can't imagine there are a ton of D23 gold and silver members that are willing to camp out for the night, though.
I guess California is in a rank of it's own... I had no idea. Well God speed to everyone.LOL - A lot of the DSF campers are also D23 charter gold and silver members. Since there is no pin release at the soda fountain and no new PTS/PTDs, there will be a looong line. I don't think that the two pin DLR gingerbread house releases and signing at 9 am is much competition to a ten pin Frozen release!
I mean I understand the idea of limited edition pins, makes them special and what not, but if a theme is so popular why not just make larger editions or open editions? It just seems really crazy to me how ridiculous the price jumps on the secondary market and how impossible it is for most people to even attend these events to buy a pin first hand. Just my opinion, I'm sure I'm in the minority though. Plus it's nearly impossible to trade for any of these pins, or really any good pins!
exactly! but they really do seem to make the limited editions cooler/better than the open editions. so then i want all these LE that are impossible to get without spending a fortune! And I don't see what Disney gets out of it. Like there are so many people that will want these frozen pins, the store/employees will have to put up with mayhem (from what i glean from other postings, these releases can be quite stressful for employees) and then people go and sell them for crazy amounts on ebay and stuff. Disney then doesn't see any of that additional profit. But if they made more of the pins they could then make more profit because obviously they would sell. I'm baffled by the logic. And sad that i cannot get so many of the pins that i truly would love to own one day. But i do wish everyone luck who is going to the event! i'd love to go to an event for the experience, meet other traders, etc. and obviously to snag a cool pin lolI'm with you. I don't care about the edition size. If it's a pin I like then I want to get one and it could just be a rack pin and if it fits my theme it makes me happy.
What happened?
People starting to line up around 9-10pm in Downtown Disney. Security came and kicked everyone out of the property, they said that they will not acknowledge any line until 6am. Some how around 3 am a line was started forming outside of the Downtown Disney parking lot. More than 300 people were in line before 6am. At 6am security came out and escorted everyone in to Downtown Disney. It had to be one of the longest/craziest release I have ever been at.
They had 3 different liens that ended up at the entrance of the parking lot.
I can imagine the same outcome for this release.
There are no public restrooms or restaurants be prepared to hold it in.