My main collections are Peter Pan and Figaro.
I have SO MANY side collections, although I'm very picky about what pins I want for them, so for the most part, they stay small...
Holiday pins - I'm a Jewish girl, and as soon as I found out there were Hanukkah pins, I knew I had to have some. I'm actually not really religious at all, but its really hard is to find cute, unique Jewish stuff. So now I collect any pins related to Jewish holidays, and lots of pins related to Halloween, as well - especially if they're pumpkin shaped. (I love pumpkins!) I have about 30 holiday pins in all.
Classic Disney animals (aside from Figaro) - i.e. Thumper, Flower, Bambi, Lucifer (love him!), the Dalmatians, Lady and the Tramp, Si & Am, The Rescuers, etc. Generally, I only want a pin for this collection if its a full-body cut-out pin of a solo classic animal character. (Specific enough for ya?) :lol: So for this collection, I don't like pins of scenes, or of the character's head, or whatever. I think I have about 25 pins in this collection, so far. (I've debated about starting to collect a few non-classic Disney animals too, like Meeko, Percy, Abu, Rajah, and Pascal.)
Princesses (with an emphasis on Belle and Rapunzel) - This is a new collection of mine. It mostly consists of the "Kiss" series, a couple mystery princess crests, a couple "Window to the Magic" pins, and an adorable pin of Minnie dressed as a princess I found on a cast member's lanyard. I do love the princesses, especially Belle and Rapunzel, but it took me forever to decide to collect them, because I was intimidated by the hardcore princess collectors.

But I love my little collection now, and I'm very proud of it, even though most of the pins are on the easier side of the spectrum. I only have about 20 pins in this collection.
Chip and Dale - This was one of my first collections, because as a little girl, "Rescue Rangers" was my favorite show ever. I only collect my absolute favorite Chip and Dale pins because there are SO many. Most of these are larger DSF pins of the two characters together. I think I only have about 15 Chip & Dale pins (not including holiday pins), and for the most part, I have all the Chip & Dale pins I really want.
Favorite attractions - I have a handful of pins of my favorite attractions at Disneyland and DCA - Haunted Mansion (mostly portraits from the stretching room - my favorite part), Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, Enchanted Tiki Room, and of course Peter Pan's Flight. I have about 10-15 pins in this collection, and there aren't any more I really want... unless I decide to add a few Small World pins at some point in the future.
Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, and Alice in Wonderland - These are just a few classic movies I've always loved. Once again, I only have/want a few favorite pins from each movie. (I only have 3 Robin Hood pins, 10 Alice pins, and about 10 SITS pins.)
:sigh: I think thats it!