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ZAPPED! My First Zap!!!

ZAPPED! My First Zap!!!


One Dynamite Gal
Rating - 100%
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So I came home today to three packages all addressed to me. I'm always expecting packages, however I could only think of two that would have had enough time to arrive by now... what was that mysterious third one? MY FIRST ZAP! All over the package "You've been zapped hehe!" and similar sayings. Here is the pin I got:

Pin 43615: Sorcerer Apprentice - Mickey Mouse

I absolutely love it, thank you so so so much my mysterious zapper! I have a guess who it was but I don't want to say in case it's not who I think it is... that would be embarrassing LOL.

I really can't thank you enough, this is an awesome edition to my small but growing Sorcerer Mickey collection, it was such a great surprise (really brightened my day!) and I'm very appreciative!

Thank You Thank You Thank You!