My new favorite!
Alright, so in spite of all the sadness at being asleep when the new Designer Villains pins came out (still in shock on that one!) I do have something to be happy about in the world of pins. I just a new favorite pin in the mail...
Isn't she beautiful?!?! I just love her and I can't believe I was able to snag one of these! Woohoo! My Ariel collection is getting pretty awesome. Ok, in truth, I only have four Ariel pins now (the PODM, the dining pin, the Part of Your World cel pin, and this one) but they're four pins I love. Most of the other Ariel pins I want are going to be much, much more difficult to get but if they end up looking as nice as this one, I'll be glad to have them. Now if only the Autumn Ariel, or one of my other most wanteds would become available I'd be set!
Isn't she beautiful?!?! I just love her and I can't believe I was able to snag one of these! Woohoo! My Ariel collection is getting pretty awesome. Ok, in truth, I only have four Ariel pins now (the PODM, the dining pin, the Part of Your World cel pin, and this one) but they're four pins I love. Most of the other Ariel pins I want are going to be much, much more difficult to get but if they end up looking as nice as this one, I'll be glad to have them. Now if only the Autumn Ariel, or one of my other most wanteds would become available I'd be set!