My Super Giant Thank You Thread...!!!
We actually truly enjoyed a PTN for the first time last night because we were able to breath in there this time... LOL...
So my first of Many thank you's goes to the Cast Member who decided to open the big doors and allow air to flow... Kudos to You...!!!
Next thank you goes out to everyone who made great trades with us... Everyone seemed soo much more willing to trade this time as apposed to prior visits to PTN's we had soo much more fun this time...
Thank You Stef and Psycho Pixie for coordinating the baking contest... A job well done... and a side thank you to the judges again for your superior taste buds that clearly recognized talent when you tasted it... LOL...
Ok now for some bigger thank you's...
Carlene... Your special offer to help us was an amazing jesture and we appreciate more than you could ever know...
A Mega Goon Zap was given to me by Justin... Buddy you Rock...!!!:rock:and Thanks for holding those pins for us....
And Finally Talk about a MAJOR HOOK UP...!!!
Marvyn my friend... You made Rebecca's night... I mean really made her night... We Love You Man...!!!
Rebecca's Newest Pin...
I think I will stop there for now, as I can go on and on about how fun the night was... Thank You, Thank You, Thank You...
Moe and Rebecca...