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ZAPPED! My Very First Zap... THANK YOU

ZAPPED! My Very First Zap... THANK YOU


DPF Charter Member
DPF Charter Member
Rating - 100%
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Kissimmee, FL
It has now been two weeks since I was zapped by Docfish2u. It just seemed that every time I tried to write something I couldn't find the words that I wanted to say. Thank you just doesn't feel like enough :)

I went to my mailbox and I had been expecting some packages and saw one from an address I didn't recognize... opening it I found this:

I have been collecting the Piece of History series since they were released though slacking a little bit this year since the Disneyland ones are a little harder for me to get.

Included with the pin was a very sweet note about being a part of the 'DPF Family'.. and as I read it my eyes teared up. It isn't necessarily about what I received that really got to me, but more about just knowing that someone on here thought about me enough to send me such happiness. I know super corny, but as people refer to this as a 'Family' you can't help but realize how absolutely true that is.

We are just one big dis-functional family. Yes, sometimes not everyone likes each other, but sometimes I can't stand my siblings. But, when it all comes down to it, everyone jumps in with their support and overwhelming caring personalities when others need it most.

Though I am typically quiet and very much to myself. You are all some of the best people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing (even if just through a keyboard)

A Huge Huge Thank you to Docfish2u but also to all of you who make this such a wonderful group to be a part of :)
If the way you feel is corny, then I am the king of corn!!! I know that feeling so very well!!! It is what started me zapping people. You could not have thanked me in any better way!!! I love it when somebody else understands how I feel every time I get a zap.

Although this family may have it's ups and downs, the people here continue to make it a place I want to be. To all of you out there who have ever zapped somebody else, you rock!!! It is this type of love that will overcome any drama that others may bring here.

Keely, you will never know how special this thank you is to me and you have put into words what I have had a hard time doing. Thank you for being a wonderful part of our dis functional family!!!
That's really nice of the person who sent that to you. I recently was once told in person "welcome to the pin family" and it made me smile right away. It's really nice that people here can show so much love. Congrats on your new pin.
Congrats on the awesome zap! Sometimes the dysfunction gets you down, but in the end, the kindness and caring always wins.