Name for new database?

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I know pinterest is out. So here are some random ideas...

... pinquiry ... and my favorite pinventory


For one word names, I really like these suggestions above. You can't make it too long or complicated with single word names or it'll become a chore to type, IMHO.

For multi-word names, make sure the acronym rolls off the tongue and I don't think you can go wrong :)

FPP, use your imagination as to what that stands for ;)

:eek2: ... Figment's Pin Place??? :fig: :fig: :fig: ;)
I saw someone post this earlier - Pin World. Its easy to remember, easy to spell, no silly gimmick which may put some people off.
This has come up a few times... DisneyPINventory is available and would work well. Not super creative, but would be easy to find by new and old traders alike.
Ok, finally an update.

We are looking for around 10-15 people to come and Beta test the site. You will be adding pictures and descriptions of pins.

Let me know here and via PM if you want to do this.
When do we get to know the name? I picked Pin Traders Inc. because is says disney with out having to say disney and at the same time could mean other pins. The traders part is like a store. Not to just mean that it's for trading. More of like a company name.

No no matter what name you pick. Thank you for taking on Pin pricks. I hope they just fade away some day. Can't wait to see your new diet for us all to share. Thank you for all the hard work.
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