New Lion Kings pins at Harambe Nights ticketed event at WDW Animal Kingdom

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The puzzle pieces shouldn't be at Harambee Nights since they are a general LE release set for June 10th. That means if they put them out on the first HN, that will be the 7th. I wonder if DAK is going to use what allotment they receive and if they sell out, too bad for anyone at DAK on the 10th?

They are supposed to have another, exclusive, Harambee Night's pin...LE 5,000 ( I was hoping for 500 and that the merchandise manager got the # wrong). So, we'll see.

There will also be limited edition art work, as well as a watch.

I'm signed up and ready to go. Anyone else going on the 14th of June??
I don't get it. My US friend who goes to WDW a lot mentioned it too (Lion King nut, and bummed she booked 2 weeks after the event ends), said that the pins are only going to be released during the event at WDW, and *not* also Anaheim like the pin trading website says.

This is confusing :(
I was not aware there would be a pin. any idea what it looks like?

So far, no picture released. I know they were still getting the merchandise in and Steven Miller is the one who OKs the image release for this event.

I am going to ask around about the puzzle pins, as at the PTN they were labeled for June 10th general release. The merchandise manager didn't seem to know what I was talking about when I asked about the puzzle pins for the Harambee Nights event. Someone's lines are crossed somewhere. Hopefully I can find out something before June 7th.
Can someone please get me a Harambe Nights pin? I'm insanely jealous of y'all who get to go to the event.

i adore that Mufasa/Simba puzzle.
Can someone please get me a Harambe Nights pin? I'm insanely jealous of y'all who get to go to the event.

i adore that Mufasa/Simba puzzle.
I could get you on most likely .
I'm going down with my family on June 7th and can pick a few up hopefully
I wonder if everything is very limited, or that they have enough to last through the entire thing.
I know someone who is going towards the end of the event, and is willing to pick up everything for me, but now I'm getting scared everything will already be gone by the time she gets there.
Those are some mighty fine looking pins! Has anyone seen them in person? I wonder how big they will be, hopefully larger like the stamps that were released a while ago.
So the info that they would be released also June 10th in DL are wrong then? 'Cause I think it still says that on the official pin trading website.
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