New pin trading area at DLR
echan50 said:I thought there was going to be an area in Cars Land for trading. I know it's not DLR exactly but I thought it was going to be a permenat area for pin trading.
Tables by LGM were shady, lots of room to sit and trade. kinda nice.
I don't really know what traders you classify as "sharks" but it's the same people as always. Some trade hard, some trade easy. I don't really consider someone a shark bc they try to uptrade me. I just decline if it's something I don't want or think any fair and move on. No biggee. Everyone trades with their own strategy. I've also never seen or heard of anyone selling a pin at trading tables since I've been going. everyone is pretty nice in both areas for past 2 years![]()
nuwintrader5654 said:I dunno man. I was at LGM all day hanging having a great time then I met this pin trader who had Tiana and Rapunzel!!! I threw my whole book at her but she kept saying now... I think she was a shark :hsd: lol JK today was fun. I met some GREAT people had a good time just chilling in the shade talking!
Through the years, Disney (and even some pin traders) have tried to get traders over to DCA for pin trading. It just never caught on for some reason (and now, reading this whole thread, no one is even willing to get their lazy butts over to a newer/nicer area that Disney is providing in DL, so to get them over to DCA? Fat chance.). People want to trade in DL, or at Pin Traders in DTD before they took those tables away.I thought there was going to be an area in Cars Land for trading. I know it's not DLR exactly but I thought it was going to be a permenat area for pin trading.
Applecore said:Um, but they did remove the barrels without announcing a new pin trading area. And I will see your Lead Cm and raise you someone with 40 years experience very close to George's office. Trust me, I know MORE than I am willing to say, but I will say this.
Guest complaints, selling and scrap trading has caused to barrels to be removed.
I'm not a fan of the new area so far. But they did let us know about it, be it a rather sneaky way. About a week before they removed the barrels, there was a little blurb about the new pin trading area in the schedule listing handout that you can pick up at the gate of the park. I thought it was odd that they didn't announce this anywhere else but there.
The games could be made better if the pins we could trade for were not the same ones that can be traded for on the non-game trading board. How about they release the hidden mickeys this way like they used to with the Pirates of the Caribbean mystery chest trading game? Or how about more games where we can win some pins? The area is big enough to hold a lot of pin traders. I miss the old pin boards during the time of the all American pin trading event.
An organized day for dpf'ers would rock. And we can let others at LGM know about it, and drag them over!
There are special pins that you can't trade for normally. In the pan for gold one, you can get a limited edition pin if you pick a gold piece with a sticker on the back. They also rotate the games throughout the day.