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No One Begs like Gaston (collectors)

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No One Begs like Gaston (collectors)


Super Active DPF Member
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So as all of you know, DSF decided to surprise release the next wave of Dark Tales pins yesterday. And one of them, of course, was Gaston.

This guy!


It literally took me 6 months to track down the Hades Dark Tales, which I finally received yesterday. Coincidence? the very day I have all of the Dark Tales I need (Yzma and Hades) another one comes out?


Or could it be something more insidious.


Anyway, in the hopes of avoiding 6 more months of agony, especially since I will be devoting that time to the Hercules cluster, I hope that maybe the fine folks of DPF can assist in this endeavor.

Absolutely willing to trade (pin pics is the same as here). Also, I'm leaving for HKDL, SHDL, and TDL tomorrow so I can also do pickups there or trades. I realize the timing is bad, but I hope to feed my obsession that is DPF at least once per day.


Praying for a miracle.


Thanks all for looking!

Is there an easy way to see what pins are/going to be available at the foreign resorts?

Not sure, I just checked disney pins blog and searched on everyone's favorite auction site to get a sense of what to expect. Anyone have any suggestions, I would love to know this also? Thanks!
Can’t help but since you are leaving tomorrow I wanted to send you just a couple quick pointers... Channel your inner Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy... bring a small towel, in Hong Kong you will be dripping. Also, we really liked having an insulated water bottle. We would buy cold water and dump it in, otherwise they went from kind of cold to warm, lightning quick.

Otherwise, enjoy your trip!
There are a bunch of Hong Kong sellers on Facebook that post pics of the racks on a semi regular basis. That’s how I kept track. They don’t really have a lot of LE pins. Just seasonal stuff, mystery tins and open edition pins which are about half the same as in the states and half Hong Specific.

Just arrived back home in Denver. Now only need our bags and we are in the car on the drive home.
Thanks for all of the great tips! Just checked in to Explorer lodge, which is unbelievable! Long day of traveling finally comes to an end.

I am so excited for you!

The hotel really is unbelievable, especially considering the cost compared to the US hotels.

When you head over to the park, there is both a security line and an entrance gate for hotel guests. The security line was easy to see, and sort of in the middle, the entrance gate was a little harder. It was all the way to the right.
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