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Pick list is Post #3

Can it be true? I apologize for the delay. I dared not hope to win first pick! But now that I have I may fulfill a dream by selecting prize number 3, the Old Hag Masterpiece!
Can it be true? I apologize for the delay. I dared not hope to win first pick! But now that I have I may fulfill a dream by selecting prize number 3, the Old Hag Masterpiece!

Congratulations on the beauty! One day I hope I can own a masterpiece of my own.
I'll pick:

7. Pin# 108433 DSSH 9 Piece Princess Puzzle Marquee - Snow White
Pin# 32220 Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Seasons - Snow White (ERROR PIN)
*wipes sweat from brow* So many Snow White pins left...

I'll happily take 2. Pin# 28297 Disney Auctions - Postcard Series #3. Thanks! :)
How do games like this work? Do you get pins no matter what?
Thank you for any information. :)
Every game has different rules. They should be posted in the beginning of each game thread. For this game, yes, everyone gets a pin in the end, but this particular game is that the picking order of your winning pin is randomized. Read through some of the closed game threads and you'll get the idea of how different ones are run.