Pin 91022: Brave Logo - Pixar Studio Store
Part 2 of our Brave Trading!
8 Trading (including ourselves)
124 wanting
Although this is not a trade auction ( no trade has to be made)
offers can be made here (just so that our inbox isn't blasted with messages) :wiggle:
We'll be more than happy to take a look at anyone's traders. Just post through here.
Hopefully this pin can find a new loving home! which is whats important!
We will stop taking offers on Sunday 9/23/12.
Hopefully we can find a trade that will suit our wants and need, if not, the pin will go back to collection. But hopefully it doesn't!
We're primarily looking for our things in our wants. In order of importance would be..
DSF Marquees, Designer Princesses, Rapunzel (doubles would be great), Beloved Tales, Ariel, Belle, Lady and tramp, Elisabeth Gomes.
Thanks again!
Bob & Cat