Pin Pics trading: Do you use it anymore?
I like pinpics to look up my pins, check their rarity and "value" and whatnot... I have traded a few times through them... However, since joining this forum, I've traded less and less through pinpics. Trading through the forum just seems safer to me.
I am newer to the forum. How does trading work here!?
Pinpics is a fantastic tool, but here's what I'd love to see them add:
(1) More info in the search results when I click on 'what could I trade to get this pin?' or 'what could I get for trading this pin. Instead of just the pin #'s and pin name, I'd like to see the edition size, wants, trades, and a decent-sized picture. As it is, I generally have to keep 2 pinpics windows open so I can look up the pins, and it takes forever. I think we'd get a lot fewer nutty requests if the information was easier to access as you check those little boxes.
(2) A 'grail/most wanted' list where you could list all the pins you would be willing to trade for specific wants. When trying to trade higher-end pins, two people often have a 'match' which would arguably be a fair trade, but many of us have wants which are not necessarily our 'most-wanted' pins - so although you 'want' the pin, you would rather save your best traders to trade for your 'most-wanted'. This wouldn't mean that you couldn't send other offers, but it might make it easier to find the ones we really really want.
First you will want to link your pinpics to your profile info. you can do that in settings and/or profile editor someplace. Can someone tell her how to do that please?
you can look at the things people here have for trade/wants, and send them PM's asking if they want to trade.
you can bid in the trade auction house.
you can post wanted or for trade threads on trade forum.
you can also hang out in chat and when the talk actually stays on pins as a topic I have seen trades get set up.
I updated the OP can i please get some idea's of what you would like to see in your dream pin database?
My biggest "want" for pinpics is to weed out those who do not use it. Not only would it save us time in trying to trade with people who are no longer trading/using pinpics but it would also provide a more true demand for a pin.