Pin Trading Night Pin's from Disneyland Resort Paris
An interesting list of possibles at the epcot pin event last eyar I had dinner with a friend and for fun we identfied another 150 characters which could be used! so its not going away anytime soon. I think though they have a problem with pixsar pins. If you look the only one ever issued was cars
Cheshire is classed as a Disney villain?
Pascal I leave on the 3rd sadly but of course back in august/september. I am OK at the moment if there is another event in the summer I might make it
Pascal , is it possible to have on your first post pictures of pin trading event and pin trading day ?
For all people see the complete collection of red pin trading to France ?
I'm somewhat confused as to what these threads are for???
Out of curiosity, do know when the pin trading nights are in July or August. Thinking of coming over for a few days, and we really try and get to a pin event :wavey: