Pin trading VS Pin Collecting
Aloha everyone,
So I'm at a crossroad. I'm running out of traders, but at the same time pins that I collect are being released. In my experience, some pins I have bought specifically for trade have gotten me pins I've really wanted; at the same time, I have purchased certain pins for trade that are still in my book months later.
I'm debating whether or not to take a break from building traders and just focus on collecting or trade up for the pins I really want.
Of course I had to turn to my DPF family for such advice. Thanks and much love.
So I'm at a crossroad. I'm running out of traders, but at the same time pins that I collect are being released. In my experience, some pins I have bought specifically for trade have gotten me pins I've really wanted; at the same time, I have purchased certain pins for trade that are still in my book months later.
I'm debating whether or not to take a break from building traders and just focus on collecting or trade up for the pins I really want.
- Are any of you just a pin trader, just a pin collector, or a hybrid of both?
- Any advice on your experiences with both worlds?
- Which is the smarter decision long term in your opinion?
Of course I had to turn to my DPF family for such advice. Thanks and much love.