Pinpics loyalty points
Hi everybody :wavey:
I have been asked to post here about a couple outlines for the pinpics loyalty points.
There have been a lot of updated pictures, comments, scrapper notes and SKUs. Bev thanks everybody who has helped out with this!!! She also wants to point out a few things:
First on pictures, they are looking for upgraded pictures that on a solid background. Please try to crop them to only the pin, no fingers, or backer cards. Also please be sure that your photos are facing the correct way. She said she can't approve the picture if she has to do the spinning of the picture. Takes up to much time. Time is a precious thing she does not have enough of.
Comments, please keep them to the details. No opinions please.
Scrapper notes, it has to be more then just paint dips or streaks in the enamel. It is sad that Disney quality has fallen, but if you look at the racks of new pins you will find plenty that also have these traits.
SKUs, if your updated SKU number is totally different then the one listed, be sure that somebody has not swapped cards on you. It happens. If it isn't close and you did not buy it directly from Disney then chances are somebody has traded the backer cards out.
Now for the points that are showing up or not showing up. They are aware of a problem with the program that calculates them. They are working to get it fixed. Rest assured that nothing is being deleted so they can double check the points and be sure everything is correct. Don't panic about your points yet. Still new and working out the bugs. The pins at cost are not going up for sale for a while yet. Plenty of time to get it straightened out.
Bev especially wants me to thank everybody for their patience while this is getting figured out. Also to those who are updating things, thank you very much!!!
I have been asked to post here about a couple outlines for the pinpics loyalty points.
There have been a lot of updated pictures, comments, scrapper notes and SKUs. Bev thanks everybody who has helped out with this!!! She also wants to point out a few things:
First on pictures, they are looking for upgraded pictures that on a solid background. Please try to crop them to only the pin, no fingers, or backer cards. Also please be sure that your photos are facing the correct way. She said she can't approve the picture if she has to do the spinning of the picture. Takes up to much time. Time is a precious thing she does not have enough of.
Comments, please keep them to the details. No opinions please.
Scrapper notes, it has to be more then just paint dips or streaks in the enamel. It is sad that Disney quality has fallen, but if you look at the racks of new pins you will find plenty that also have these traits.
SKUs, if your updated SKU number is totally different then the one listed, be sure that somebody has not swapped cards on you. It happens. If it isn't close and you did not buy it directly from Disney then chances are somebody has traded the backer cards out.
Now for the points that are showing up or not showing up. They are aware of a problem with the program that calculates them. They are working to get it fixed. Rest assured that nothing is being deleted so they can double check the points and be sure everything is correct. Don't panic about your points yet. Still new and working out the bugs. The pins at cost are not going up for sale for a while yet. Plenty of time to get it straightened out.
Bev especially wants me to thank everybody for their patience while this is getting figured out. Also to those who are updating things, thank you very much!!!