Pinpics Pins@Cost® winners have been posted
Hi everybody :wavey:
Pinpics Pins@Cost*® first loyalty program was drawn last night and you can find the winners here:
I see many familiar names and would like to congratulate everybody who won!!! This was a lot of fun to be part of and help out with. It made for a very hectic last few days to be sure everybody who was eligible or close to being eligible got the points they needed.
If by some chance you did not receive your winning announcement email please send us an email here: info at pinpics dot com. I am spelling it out so that we don't get any more spam then needed into the site.
Thank you to everybody who contributed pictures, sku#s, comments and counterfeit information to help make the site better. As always if you have any questions about the site you can use the email address above or contact me through pm here or at my email address (for those of you who know it ).
Wait until you see what is offered next time. I can't tell you anything about it yet, but wow, this next one is going to be epic.
Pinpics Pins@Cost*® first loyalty program was drawn last night and you can find the winners here:
I see many familiar names and would like to congratulate everybody who won!!! This was a lot of fun to be part of and help out with. It made for a very hectic last few days to be sure everybody who was eligible or close to being eligible got the points they needed.
If by some chance you did not receive your winning announcement email please send us an email here: info at pinpics dot com. I am spelling it out so that we don't get any more spam then needed into the site.
Thank you to everybody who contributed pictures, sku#s, comments and counterfeit information to help make the site better. As always if you have any questions about the site you can use the email address above or contact me through pm here or at my email address (for those of you who know it ).
Wait until you see what is offered next time. I can't tell you anything about it yet, but wow, this next one is going to be epic.