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Pins@Cost 2nd Quarter Pins...
2018 2nd Quarter Pin@Cost - OPEN to ALL Members in Good Standing
We are pleased to announce our 2018 2nd Quarter Pins@Cost.
We have had many requests for the New LE 200 Pinopolis Trading Pins
and we know that not everyone can get to the Trade Events so we are
offering these to ALL PinPics Members; No Points Required.
Yes, you read correctly, any Member in Good Standing can Enter for a
chance to purchase any/all these Pins at Cost. They are $10 each (+ mailing cost)
and we have multiples of all of them, some more than others so be sure to put your
most wanted on the Top of your list and so on as always.
Pins will be Awarded by our Random Selection Process (RSP)
Please email me at with your Selections.
Yes, you can put as many of them on your list as you want but only 1 (one) of each
may be selected. You can not put Stitch Karate Left mouth open on your list 5 times c;
This is Due Thursday August 2nd, so make your selections and turn it in by Thursday.
Here are the available pins:
Pin# 128939 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Thumper
Pin# 128906 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Evil Queen
Pin# 128903 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Rapunzel #1
Pin# 128855 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Queen of Hearts
Pin# 128854 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Ursula #2
Pin# 128743 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Ursula
Pin# 128838 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Flounder
Pin# 128777 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Cogsworth
Pin# 128778 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Lumiere
Pin# 128839 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Sebastian
2018 2nd Quarter Pin@Cost - OPEN to ALL Members in Good Standing
We are pleased to announce our 2018 2nd Quarter Pins@Cost.
We have had many requests for the New LE 200 Pinopolis Trading Pins
and we know that not everyone can get to the Trade Events so we are
offering these to ALL PinPics Members; No Points Required.
Yes, you read correctly, any Member in Good Standing can Enter for a
chance to purchase any/all these Pins at Cost. They are $10 each (+ mailing cost)
and we have multiples of all of them, some more than others so be sure to put your
most wanted on the Top of your list and so on as always.
Pins will be Awarded by our Random Selection Process (RSP)
Please email me at with your Selections.
Yes, you can put as many of them on your list as you want but only 1 (one) of each
may be selected. You can not put Stitch Karate Left mouth open on your list 5 times c;
This is Due Thursday August 2nd, so make your selections and turn it in by Thursday.
Here are the available pins:
Pin# 128939 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Thumper
Pin# 128906 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Evil Queen
Pin# 128903 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Rapunzel #1
Pin# 128855 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Queen of Hearts
Pin# 128854 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Ursula #2
Pin# 128743 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Ursula
Pin# 128838 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Flounder
Pin# 128777 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Cogsworth
Pin# 128778 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Lumiere
Pin# 128839 ACME HotArt - HotArt Trading Pin - Sebastian