Prices going up, new traders and ability to trade
I was just thinking earlier about a few comments I have heard about new traders driving the prices in the market up for pins. It got me to thinking, why this would happen.
From my own experience, it becomes so frustrating to not be able to trade with existing traders that have our grails because they don't let go of pins, even those that are of equal value.
So what's a noob to do? We want to get certain pins, but we don't have the extensive collection that some of the older traders have and the connections to get traders easily or for a reasonable price.
I'm thinking it is at times easier and even more rewarding to go buy a pin than to deal with some of the attitudes and rejections when we offer a trade.
I witnessed a new trader at the PTN who was trying to trade for a pin in this guy's book. We looked it up on ebay, and the pin was selling for $36, she offered him an Ariel PODM and a Nemo PODM, for the pin because she really liked it. This guy had about 25+ books and boxes of pins, but because he already had those scenes he would not trade with her. SHe kept adding stuff and he would tell her no because he already had it. She went ahead and bought the pin right then and there on her phone, frustrated and angry at the attitude this person gave her.
My point is, I understand if its a rare pin, such as the designer princesses or a HTF pin or a pin in your collection that you are only wanting to trade for something specific. But at times, it would be nice to have others trade a pin even if its for another trader. PODMs seem to trade well, she was offering him pins new on the card for a Simba pin. I just felt bad for her.
Just my .02 worth.
Maybe prices on ebay would not be so high if we had more people willing to trade for a comparable pin that may still be a trader.
PS. All the DPF people I met at PTN were extremely nice and helpful, so this is not about anyone in our forum.