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Proper Online Pin Trading Etiquette Question

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Proper Online Pin Trading Etiquette Question


Scrooge McDuck's #1 Nickel
DPF Correspondent
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I just started up with online pin trading via Pin Pics again since our trip is over, and I had a question about when you send a pin trade request to someone.

Now, I try to respond to every request I get, whether I am interested or not, so the person who sent it knows I am still active in trading, etc. I sent a few requests last night for different pins.

My question is, how long do you normally wait before assuming no one will take you up on the trade before offering the same pin again? I mean, I was in WDW last week and did not have e-mail, but I responded to every request when I returned this past weekend.

My basic motto is "you snooze, you lose." Just like if you send out multiple requests at once, the first reply usually gets the trade. So, I would treat it the same. If you send out different requests the next day then it shouldn't matter. People aren't always very good about checking their email and you shouldn't have to wait on them when you don't know if they will even respond at all.

But, at the same time, I don't necessarily agree that you have to honor the first response. Say you offered one person pin A for pin C and offered someone else pin B for pin C. If you check your email and you have yes responses from both of them I think it is ok to choose which trade you would rather do, regardless of the order of the response. But that is just the way I look at it....
I know when I am doing trades with the trade assistant, I may have a particular pin that is in demand and may see 10 pins I like that on on the trade list. I send to all 10. There are many people who do not respond at all, some who will politely say no and others who may be interested.

The problem is if you send to 1 at a time, it could take forever to get a trade. I dont see anything wrong with sending multiple request for the same pin and if you do trade it and someone finally replies, politely let them knopw the pin has been traded.

Another example is the if you snooze you lose. I had a pin that I listed and next day someone offered me a pin for it. We did the trade and literally a week later someone finally answered the request I had sent them and wanted it. I politely told them, I am sorry but I made that trade request a week ago and someone has since taken the pin.

Hope this helps. Your not a bad person for offering it to multiple people in my opinion.
I give it one day to respond and make my choice that evening the day the trade came out. Unless there is a pin I really want offered later in the day I usually take the first responder. If the first responder offers a pin I really want then I take it right away and do not wait. I will hit most of the pins in the LE range that the pin I am wanting has but some traders trade strickly according to the numbers so I hit higher editions with a better wants ratio and lower editions with a lower wants ratio in hopes I find the nitch I want to make the trade. I love trading through the mail especially since I can not get to the park once or more a month like I could a year ago.
I feel like this is still very relevant and people should be aware! It really is a you snooze you lose type thing. You either are first to accept or you aren't but you have to deal with whether you respond and a pin is no longer available.
Always good info. I'm glad to see you around. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Does anyone else get poor response rates from trade requests? I've sent out hundreds of trade requests and I get maybe a 10% response. I check my history and I'm careful not to spam the same user, offer what I think is fair trades, and I still don't even get a "no thanks" on most messages.
Not that I understand why, but I recently started trading again and get poor response rates too. No matter how carefully I weigh LE numbers or Want-versus-Trade numbers, only 1 out of every 20 requests I send will get a reply with a counter-trade or polite decline.

Polite declines go a long way, so I reply to every request too just so people know I'm also actively trading.

Trades are definitely first come, first served especially if the person offers some cool pin alternatives!
When I get a trade request that I'm not interested in I always check the person's trades list to see if I can make a counter offer. If I don't see anything then I politely decline the offer.
I appreciate it when I receive requests that are fair. It does not happen as much as I like. Even from some who should know what a fair trade is. I try to reply to everything, but there are times either I am really busy or the requests just suck that I do not. If you ever get just a flat response you will know I do not think your offer was fair. Usually a NO means in my opinion your offer was not fair. If it is a fair offer I will kindly turn it down. If you are continuing to get no responses it might be time to look at your offers closer. Very few people will ever trade a hidden mickey for an LE pin. I hate it when people do that. Ask yourself if the trade was reversed would I make it.

Most of all be patient. This is not a hobby that you will find everything overnight. It has taken me many years to find some pins. There are also pins I am sure I will never get and that is okay. I am also a huge believer in pin karma. If you are nice to others they will be nice to you.

Don't ever forget, pin trading is supposed to be fun!!!
I am also a huge believer in pin karma. If you are nice to others they will be nice to you.

Don't ever forget, pin trading is supposed to be fun!!!


but having good pins and or giving away pins will make lots of people be nice to you. Better off not having people be nice to me if its just for my pins and not becuase of the kind of man I am.

Ps. I mean that as in general. Not for or about anyone member. Just what I have seen in my years around here.


but having good pins and or giving away pins will make lots of people be nice to you. Better off not having people be nice to me if its just for my pins and not becuase of the kind of man I am.


It is not about giving away stuff, more about being fair with others. Although giving away stuff works well also. Pins have a way of finding their way back to me that I never thought I would get.
Yes. And truth be told. You are a good guy so things work out.

But as i said, my comment just comes from what I have seen here over the years. I think we both know that if I could go get pins each month and charge no mark up and also give some away from time to time, I would be a favorite member to many. I get how it works. There is a flip side and most of us in that group usually don't speak of such things. I just like to bring food for thought at times.

here is a quote I was once told " I have a rep to protect and friends to keep happy, sorry I can't help with your pin"


I'll admit, I've come across your name on the trade possibilities a couple times and I've shyed away, even though I thought the trade was fair. Didn't want your first experience with my username to be a lame trade request

i hope hope the lack of response from traders is that I don't have references and it will eventually improve.

I understand what you are saying, but don't completely agree. Yes those that do for others here become popular. I have also seen people who are just a positive influence also be popular. Heck, I always try to be sure those that are positive around here know that they are appreciated by including them in the things we do. Those that cause drama around here are rarely popular. Can everybody afford to give stuff away, no of course not. This is a very expensive hobby to begin with. We do it because we are both very blessed to have well paying jobs and believe in giving back to the community that has given us so much joy. Which was being done before we started giving stuff away. This community is unlike any other I have ever seen. Very generous and quick to help those in need. It is why we feel grateful to be part of it.

Yes references do help. Please feel free to email me directly any time you want to inquire about a trade. I do try to make more then one trade when I do trade as postage has gotten stupid. It wouldn't be quite so bad if the quality of service was what it used to be, but we all know that just isn't the case. Don't get me wrong, I know there are good people working for the post office, just not as many as there used to be at least in my personal experience.

We're always trying to remind individuals that the polite thing to do is respond to EVERY message even if you're not interested...it's an ongoing battle

It can be particularly discouraging for new traders who send out trade-requests, get no responses, and then assume the site itself is essentially inactive or give-up out of frustration.

I'd love to be able to reply but I still cannot access pinpics, and have not been able to for 4.5 weeks now.
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