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SOLD! PTDs (Mali, Alice, Rabbit, Genie, Lionheart) for Stitch

SOLD! PTDs (Mali, Alice, Rabbit, Genie, Lionheart) for Stitch


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Hi everyone,

I have a few PTDs from recent releases that I'd like to trade for pins that fit my collection. I'll likely be attending flips for the rest of the year as I am now done with school and waiting to take my board exams. That said, I have Malificent, Mayor Lionheart, Alice, White Rabbit, and Genie up for trade. My pinpics is mutespittah. Looking forward to (hopefully) making some trades!

EDIT: Now have Baby Simba as well.


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Drats! One of my close friends collects Stitch, so she cleaned me out. (But if you see anything you like under my pinpics, just let me know!) Good luck with your trades. :)
Sorry I'm so hard to trade with! In general, I try just collect Stitch with characters from his own movie and keep to 1 per pin theme in order to keep costs down so my wants are limited. I did not order a park pack though, so if any of you ordered one, I'll probably interested in one or more of those.
I have TWO park packs coming! So you might be able to get a choice of pins. ;) I also sent you a PM with some thoughts.
I will have the park pack coming as well. And I have one of the DA Stitch pins on your grail wants list. Interested in talking about a possible trade including Simba.

I have one myself actually! I'm trading it for the LiAA Stitch with Jumbaa though.

Do you already have this trade set up, or you're wanting to make it?
I will have the park pack coming as well. And I have one of the DA Stitch pins on your grail wants list. Interested in talking about a possible trade including Simba.

Do you already have this trade set up, or you're wanting to make it?

The Joy for Stitch with Jumbaa is done and dusted with the pins en route. Definitely interested in making a deal for that Stitch Superhero. I'll send you a PM.
I’m pretty disappointed with the park pack pins as they mostly overlap with pins I already have. The only pin I’ll be looking for from them is the center pin 2/6 with Stitch in handcuffs with the Grand Councilwoman.
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If the 2/6 middle Stitch one pops up in my park pack, might you be interested in trading Maleficent for it?

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Oh I don't have any matches, but I really want your cuties

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