PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Go Import your collections! That's an Order!
DPF, As many of you know, I do lots of zapping, and I try to do lots of trading! It is all made more difficult when I click the link under your names on DPF and see 0 wants, 0 trades, 0 owns!!
UPDATE YOUR COLLECTIONS ON! It's as easy as signing up, and clicking the import collection on the main page! Type your username on pin pics, and in a few short hours, - Bam! Collection updated! And Zagales can zap and trade again!
Oh, one more good thing about this transition that ALL of you WILL be making: We're going to have accurate own/want/trade ratios now, since it's a new site, and the transferred accounts will be active ones!
Disclaimer: I am, in no way, shape or form, affiliated in any official capacity (except as a user) with DPP. I am, however, super proud of the work ethan has done, and believe that the long term potential of this database will exceed anything that we've had before in this hobby (not demeaning the work pin pics has done - as they have worked, and worked very well until now).
Now go!