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Q&A sessions with LANSAM and PinPics

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Q&A sessions with LANSAM and PinPics
Yes, change is always scary but what ever does not kill you will make you stronger. Will I stop using PinPics becuase there is a new owner or owners.. No. Life goes on. Pin trading is supposed to be fun and when it stops being fun I will stop pin trading. Because of pin trading I have gotten to meet so many people and make friends that I would have never met otherwise. I love being a pin nerd!!!
So when Lenny does it, its an "incorrect word" and when tiggernut does it, the whole meaning changes?

Yes. Because only after changing and twisting his words, and adding the word "directly" she can accuse him of being a liar. Without changing that word and adding "directly" she could not make that accusation.
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Well Im a tad confused with one answer -

These are not separate sites, localizing the domains will allow native speakers greater options to participate int the community.


Does that mean there will be certain areas of Pintalk for native speakers or does that mean there will be different versions of the site..Im lost lol when today the majority of people know english.
Am I the only one who is catching these ? What is the word I am looking for?? Ummm ... hypocrite ... maybe ??

And then TiggerNut's post from 03-22 in this very thread:

Nothing is solved by having a secret PM system. Have it ALL open.

Why? What gives you the right to attack people, yet we have to give you the privilige & privacy of PM ?
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lol thats why I said majority. I know it would be more beneficial for those who are french, german etc who can speak in there native language. But it is seperate parts of Pintalk going to be for certain languages or what?? Thats what Im confused about lol
You are right Merryweather. Dom announced that some of the comments would be sent to Pin Talk almost a year ago. His reason was that pinpics is not a discussion board.
And since they've been doing it, I think there has been LESS discussion about certain pins. I know I certainly don't follow the discussion to Pin Talk, and my pin interest is high. Can't imagine many casual users are following them either. It's not a good method, if the goal is to get things answered. It's inefficient. And I'm guessing under the new site, there is going to be more of this. Looking at the types of discussions that have been moved: requests for photos of backs, clarification of scrapper details, verifying release info. Stuff that needs to be answered for people be knowledgeable about their pin. And it seems like the primary people who are reading and answering the questions are the mods themselves. So if the goal is less work for them, doesn't seem like its a good plan.
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This sums up everything perfectly. What is good for the goose is certainly good for the gander. If you feel the need to publicly call someone out, you should be willing to do the same when asked. It was even said "Have It ALL Open"

It took a while to read through the chat, as all those lines and no stop/start pattern, LOL. But after everything, I look forward to see everything they talked about implemented. The comments to PinTalk was already in motion since last year, so no real change there, and I for one have no problem with them keeping use of the pictures to forums like PinTalk and DPF instead of E-Bay or possibly retail sites. As for who owns what picture taken, etc, I leave that to the lawyers who are trained in that sort of legal mumbo-jumbo (copyright, trademark, etc).
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Dear Merryweather:

My reason for PM was to address the issues of my character and trade practices which were referenced in Lenny's post. It was not an attempt to hid the issue, as it was to avoid more unnecessary bombardment here on the boards. Some things are relevant and others are not in what Lenny said.

Lighten up Merryweather...it is a well known tactic to point at the accuser when you are trying to avoid the questions being asked. If LANSAM had more dirt on me, I am certain they would have publicized it.

As things go, Lenny claimed to communicate with me, and he did not. No one but LANSAM's Attorney spoke for LANSAM. Which is a pretty harsh response for a mere inquiry. And, no there was NO Threat of suit pending. That was out of context and a closed matter when they responded with their Attorney some TWO weeks later.

Keep in mind, this all started because LANSAM banned people for asking questions. Then, when more questioned were asked -they sent their attorney instead. For a group that is trying to get people to buy into their pricing plan -that seems against normal PR practices. To each their own.

The only one that seems concerned about the plight of Pinpics and has been somewhat reasonable in responding to question and concerns is Figgy & Britt.

Please stop taking my comments out of context and lighten up on me.


Then I would say post the relevant items. You have been asked questions by those trying to understand your point of view, and you either sidestep answering or just flat out ignore them.

When my divorce was happening, and I was told by my now ex-wife to direct all communication to her attorney, how is that any different. The attorney speaks on behalf of the client, correct? So the attorney for LANSAM spoke on behalf of their client, which I believe counts as LANSAM communicating with you since I believe the attorney had to ask LANSAM what the facts were and how to respond?

As for banning, that is not how Lenny describes that situation, but that is between you and the ones who banned you

In terms of lightening up, you might want to "practice what you preach", so to speak. I asked all those in the thread for no griping, no bashing, no arguing, and you ignored it repeatedly. Just food for thought there.

I am trying to understand your context and have a reasonable conversation. So, please do not get worked up.

it is a well known tactic to point at the accuser when you are trying to avoid the questions being asked.

What questions are avoided? Is it something you can post here? If yes, please use clear language we non-legal folk can understand.

No one but LANSAM's Attorney spoke for LANSAM. Which is a pretty harsh response for a mere inquiry. And, no there was NO Threat of suit pending. That was out of context and a closed matter when they responded with their Attorney some TWO weeks later.

Did you or any of your clients/family members/friends EVER in the past expressed an intent of a law suit against Pinpics and/or PinTalk regardless of its ownership?
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Did you or any of your clients/family members/friends EVER in the past expressed an intent of a law suit against Pinpics and/or PinTalk regardless of its ownership?

Yes, A person was banned on Pinpics, asked me to represent him in getting his account back. That was accomplished and the matter was closed. This letter from LANSAM's Attorney was 2 weeks AFTER that matter was closed -and did not address what I wrote about in the first place. So the Letter topic & my concern regarding the banned account where unrelated communitations.

The email communication to LANSAM/Pinpics was regarding TheCheshirekid account, not about ME.

The letter from LANSAM's Attorney was a Cease & Desist about ME.
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I do not have the patience to read through the chat log to answer my question. Sitting through that chat was enough really.

Can you pls list the specific questions? And I am "talking" to TiggerNut actually.
Got it. Thanks. What ?s were avoided?

Everything related to the banned account TheCheshirekid and why would they ban someone else for being associated with me.

To her credit, Figgy answered one of my inquiries and stated that she couldn't answer my questions about the banned TheCheshirekid account, since it didn't involve me. Hence, my change in role from friend in helping the TheCheshirekid, to advocate, representing TheCheshirekid.

But, like I said, that account was reinstated when TheCheshirekid confronted the Medinas at the Leap Day Event on February 29, 2012.
Can I conclude, then, that you have a closure about this TheCheshirekid account?

That was my point. I thought the issue was closed until I received the letter from the LANSAM attorney on the night of March 17, 2012 (Saturday night at 7:30pm: which was odd as well) If you check the history here, I really said little from Feb 29 to the night I received the Lansam lawyer email.
Okie dokie then. Do you have any other questions that you think were avoided?

I do not refer to yesterday's chat though. I was in the CR from start until the end, I personally found it chaotic.

Lansam (all 3 members were there and I think Samantha was typing) made an effort to give each user a turn to ask at least one question. I think their intention was to have a second round of questions. Sadly, we were plagued by technical difficulties as well as people typing stuff simultenously. It was very difficult to follow, for me anyway. Then we ran out of time and people who know each other got cutesy.
I personally think its a good idea that sellers can't use pin pics pictures . You think you are buying an authentic pin due to the picture and you end up with a scrapper . Just my 2 cents . Carry on ... LOL
I personally think its a good idea that sellers can't use pin pics pictures . You think you are buying an authentic pin due to the picture and you end up with a scrapper . Just my 2 cents . Carry on ... LOL

But what if it was my picture in the first place? I have to rescan the photo every time I sell the pin?
I can see both sides to this. When you are listing a lot of pins at one time, it is such a pain having to take *good quality* pictures of each pin and upload them. Then again, buyers get a better feel for the pin and its quality when you upload your own picture.

The fact of the matter is that scrapper sellers are going to still list scrappers, and uninformed individuals are still going to buy them. Sometimes I list pins on ebay using the pinpics image, but I always list any imperfections in the description to avoid problems. I lay it out all on the table, just because I don't want to be dealing with any disputes or complaints. Honesty is the best policy in my book, and it may impede sales a bit, but will prevent any problems down the line.

My point in all of this? I don't really know, I was just kinda rambling on I just think scrapper sellers are dishonest people, and are going to sell the pins regardless. They can easily take their own picture of the real pin, and still send out the scappered version. Either way, I don't really mind what pinpics decides to do. I see no point in taking a side right now when nothing has really happened.
A few things have been going through my mind since yesterdays Q&A is that their plans seem to go against the reasons behind it. First off, with not allowing members to post comments and instead having to submit them and have moderators go through them and post if it is worthy. They explained that is a lot of work to keep up with the comments made on pins. Instead of just review comments as they are posted and simply deleting ones that don't fit, they be having to post all those comments themselves after reviewing them. Unless they think that fewer comments will be made as a result of this change, I do not see any savings in time or labor, I see an increase at the expense of the community to slow down information and censor it.

If they are concerned already concerned about mod time spent just reading comments, how do they ever expect to enforce the eBay picture rule. It seems like that would take many people working around the clock to attempt to enforce it.

I see these two changes as restricting the community access to the database they built and to slow down and censor the information out there. These changes do not seem to go inline with the core values of Pinpics for the last 12+ years. Can't wait to see what is next!
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