Questions about Pin Trader Etiquette
Through lots of reading and forum lurking, I'm learning most of the pin trader rules. Like don't knowingly trade unauthorized pins as if they're real, don't try to make obviously unfair trades(Like telling someone to go get me an expensive pin while I give them a cheap, easy to come by pin in return), and that it's ok to say "no thanks".
I was wondering however if pin traders ever traded other items or services for pins? Obviously I see lots of trading pins for cash. ;3 I was curious whether it was considered "proper" or not to offer other things in trade. I wouldn't tell another trader, "Oh I want your pin, would you accept ______?", but I might make a post for instance offering my artistic services in exchange for wanted pins to allow traders to come to me. There are many fairly common pins I'd love to trade for, but I just don't have the large collection yet to give away. I could see many traders having crafty abilities or useful skills, but I don't know if this is common or proper to do.
I was wondering however if pin traders ever traded other items or services for pins? Obviously I see lots of trading pins for cash. ;3 I was curious whether it was considered "proper" or not to offer other things in trade. I wouldn't tell another trader, "Oh I want your pin, would you accept ______?", but I might make a post for instance offering my artistic services in exchange for wanted pins to allow traders to come to me. There are many fairly common pins I'd love to trade for, but I just don't have the large collection yet to give away. I could see many traders having crafty abilities or useful skills, but I don't know if this is common or proper to do.