If entirety of trade is done here on DPF, then here alone is where I leave the ref, however if we take it to email and I get the addy, it only takes a few moments and lets face it, they did what they said, when they said it , with integretiy and with trust,,, Im almost certain we all would agree a few moments isnt bad investment in letting others know that the trader you dealt with is worth while and honest,however for many trades here on DPF I have also left refs on DIzpins site as well<mostly decided by if I have the email of the person,>
I know from my woodland cohorts that the new PP site will have a FREE feedback feature for all members there<to eliminate the bounce to the old dizpins site>
i dont think a face to face trade doesnt warrant the feedback, likewise, does the location matter? I have left quite a few folks whom I trade in person with refs here and on Dizpins, the trade was good, they deserve a reference, esp if I know them enough to know their email, we either exchanged email after trade or I already have them in the rolodex of doom.. Perhaps its my old New England upbringing, but they did something nice for you , dont matter where or when, we should applaud good behavior whenever we encounter it!!!
just sayin, the nice words you leave to today will last for years, the silence to someone who did something nice for you, may last an eternity...