I've traded in person at Disneyland for years before joining here. A lot of people here know me in person. I try to be the best trader I can be at the park. I'll trade just to trade. If someone wants something I have and they don't have anything I want I will usually trade for a trader just to make them happy. But I won't get ripped off and I won't rip someone else off.
That being said, the other day I was interested in an LE 2000. The only thing they wanted from me was a very desirable LE 200. I politely told them no thank you. They badgered me and followed me to other tables and I kept being nice. Finally I asked them if they wanted to maybe add another pin or 2 to the trade because 1 for 1 wasn't a fair deal. They called me an a hole! I was nice to them the whole time, even after the name calling.
If you get a reputation for being a jerk, it will spread and people will quit trading with you. And it has happened. That's how I look at it.
Im sorry you got such a rude response from them.