Scrappers AND Fakes/Counterfeits for 2021
These have all popped up in the last few weeks from various accounts all in the United Kingdom. NONE of these has been officially released from DSF. (These are different than fantasy ones that people have clearly labeled as fantasy. These are all being sold as legitimate PTDs.)
ETA: Another has been found since I originally posted, so I will keep adding more here as they are found.
More added:
Wow, Kermit, a Robin Hood bunny, Cinderella in her pink tattered dress, Joana (did we know about her before?), Yensid, Emperor's New Groove wife (?), and a dog from 101 Dalmatians?! That's a lot...
That’s not Kermit. I wasn’t sure what frog it was at first but I think I figured it out.
Frankie (Meet the Robinsons)
Frankie is a minor character from the 2007 Disney animated feature film Meet the Robinsons. Frankie was officially introduced in the movie while singing in his jazz ensemble conducted by Franny Robinson. After landing on Lewis' hat, Lewis saw that he had Bud's denture. At the end of the
The frog is Frankie, the lounge singer frog from Meet the Robinsons. And yep, I think Joanna was the first on my radar awhile ago. But I was contacted about Mama Bunny from Robin Hood yesterday and poked around a little and found the others (though someone else on Facebook found Frankie for me).
I am wondering about Pin 116075 WDI - 60th Diamond Celebration - Cheshire Cat. I bought one online that looks great but now am seeing too many online for an LE 250 IMO. Anyone know of a way to ID the counterfeits on this one?I feel I saw a recent Facebook about that but I can’t locate it now. I remember the dwarves, nephews, balloo, and shelliemae were on there? Pretty sure there were others listed also. Wish I could find the post but I remember it saying they looked really good.
My understanding are scrappers are as you said, ones that were thrown out at the Disney factory for not being good enough.I thought scrappers are official Disney pins that were scrapped, so are these scrappers or fakes? I'm so confused..
Any idea if any of the Endearing Moments (DSSH) have been faked?Since we lost our scrapper threads, here's a new one.
We will start with the fake Dark Tales (comparison of fake vs real). The ones with the marks are the fakes.
Below are non authentic vs authentic versions of DSSH DARK TALES pins. Non authentic are marked up and most look like proofs from original promotional artwork while authentic pins have a deeper richer look and feel. Some are hard to discern even if coloring is off.