Second Opinion Wanted: DA100s versus more current pins: Worth that much more?
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As most of you realize, some of my holy grails are some of the older DA100s pins of Scrooge McDuck, and probably top of that list is [pinpics]43967[/pinpics]: Disney Auctions - Football Series ( Scrooge and Nephews ) because I used to play football as well. Now I have seen the pin on EBay time and again, being listed for $90 and not really selling, so I have been trying to reasonably trade for the pin. Every now and then, one person responds, and we have talked before and have been able to come to an agreement, but I thought I would share the e-mail conversation to see if I am approaching this incorrectly
Their initial E-mail to me:
to which I said:
Thank you for the e-mail. I am open to trying and work something out, but in all fairness, I can not just agree to "either 2 very hard LE 200-300 or one very hard plus 2 medium." without knowing what pins you might have in mind.
You and I have discussed this before, and while I am willing to trade somewhat over it's worth because it is a high want, it has to be reasonable to both of us. I believe last time we talked about this, you were asking for pins worth a total of around $120-$130 for a pin I can buy on E-Bay (at the time) for around $85, and now around $90
As a current example, you have this pin on your wants: Pin 57578: - Jessica Rabbit Costume Series (Mrs. Incredible), which I have on it's original card, etc. but I have not offered that pin for trade for the Scrooge pin, even though the Scrooge is a high want, because that Jessica pin, even though an LE250, is worth a lot more than the Scrooge pin.
They replied:
and I said:
You have been doing this a lot longer than I, as I have been doing this about 3-4 years now, and I missed out on a lot of pins even after the DA100s, DA500s and DA1000s, like a lot of the Disney Shopping pins (now they are, etc. Like you, I learned that to get the older pins, I had to invest monies and multiple pin for one pin trades to get higher scale traders to get shots at pins on my wants. Everyone has their own way of trading, and judging a trade, and I really do try to take into account all factors.
I do not do DAs specifically, but character collections, as I am sure you can tell. I have never been against trading higher than value for a pin I want as a collection piece, as I have done that time and again for certain items, but trading almost 100% value higher to a pin's current worth, as the last time this was discussed between us was leading towards, is a little higher than I am willing to go, even for a Scrooge pin.
If there was another way to assign worth to a pin besides money, I would be open to understanding it, but realistically, looking to see if a pin sells and at what price(s) may be the only public accessible way of judging a value, because we do not see what other people might be trading it for, or selling privately on pin boards, Facebook, etc. I mean, if someone could show where a pin is worth trading $150 worth of pins when it is selling for $90-$100, I am open to understanding that, but realistically there is no way to know that.
Sorry we could not work something out
They then said:
to which I replied:
I considered them a little higher since I had more vested in them, since some of them I had to get via secondary market means, whether in trade or purchase.
Also, yes, SOME Scrooge pins have been selling high, but looking at the specific one in question, the seller, who is probably one of the biggest Scrooge pin I have heard of since he always updates PinPics with new Scrooges, can not even sell it for $90 and has been trying for a while.
So out of all that, my question is, Are DAs a better pin, and automatically worth more, regardless of most characters, etc, even though some of more recent ones, like Jessicas as other characters, or Tangled pins, or Beloved Tales are steadily climbing in value? Am I misjudging the market, or am I right to stick with my way of looking at values in this case?
Their initial E-mail to me:
Hi Bill,
The reason you are having such a hard time trading for this pin is three fold:
1. It is and LE 100
2. It is Scrooge McDuck and there are a lot of Scrooge collectors and they are into collecting multiples
3. The trades to wants are 5 to 59. 3 of the five do not trade anymore. The 4th one only wants one pin for that pin. That leaves me. So you are really looking at 1 to 59. That is a very hard pin.
Anyway I am willing to give this one more shot. I will only trade for either 2 very hard LE 200-300 or one very hard plus 2 medium. Let me know if you want to do this. I do not want to spend time on this if you have not figured out that it is worth that. If you do not want to trade that is fine I totally understand. But if that is the case you need to buy it on e-bay as I am the only one trading it. Hope you have a great week.
to which I said:
Thank you for the e-mail. I am open to trying and work something out, but in all fairness, I can not just agree to "either 2 very hard LE 200-300 or one very hard plus 2 medium." without knowing what pins you might have in mind.
You and I have discussed this before, and while I am willing to trade somewhat over it's worth because it is a high want, it has to be reasonable to both of us. I believe last time we talked about this, you were asking for pins worth a total of around $120-$130 for a pin I can buy on E-Bay (at the time) for around $85, and now around $90
As a current example, you have this pin on your wants: Pin 57578: - Jessica Rabbit Costume Series (Mrs. Incredible), which I have on it's original card, etc. but I have not offered that pin for trade for the Scrooge pin, even though the Scrooge is a high want, because that Jessica pin, even though an LE250, is worth a lot more than the Scrooge pin.
They replied:
I understand that you do not want to agree to a trade without knowing the pins. What I was trying to determine is if you understand by now how hard is it to come by LE 100 pins. I can tell by your comments that we have completely different ideas on how to trade for them.
I was not around during the Disney Auctions days. I started trading 8 years ago. I learned very quickly that my favorite pins where auction pins. I also learned that in order to get the LE 100 DA pins I needed other DA LE 100 pins. Well I did not have them. So I went about learning how to acquire these highly sought after pins. I found that I could trade multiples for them. However to do so meant I had to trade a premium for them as the other person was giving up a much more difficult pin. Yes there are a few higher edition pins worth an LE 100 but not many (unless we are talking about Mickey LOL) However I always new I had to trade more than e-bay value for the LE 100. I think that is where you are stuck. Considering where you are coming from you are probably better off buying on ebay. I am not willing to give up a pin that will always be worth a lot for pins I am not sure of, but know that they are far inferior pins to the DA 100's.
Hope that helps you understand why I am going to pass.
and I said:
You have been doing this a lot longer than I, as I have been doing this about 3-4 years now, and I missed out on a lot of pins even after the DA100s, DA500s and DA1000s, like a lot of the Disney Shopping pins (now they are, etc. Like you, I learned that to get the older pins, I had to invest monies and multiple pin for one pin trades to get higher scale traders to get shots at pins on my wants. Everyone has their own way of trading, and judging a trade, and I really do try to take into account all factors.
I do not do DAs specifically, but character collections, as I am sure you can tell. I have never been against trading higher than value for a pin I want as a collection piece, as I have done that time and again for certain items, but trading almost 100% value higher to a pin's current worth, as the last time this was discussed between us was leading towards, is a little higher than I am willing to go, even for a Scrooge pin.
If there was another way to assign worth to a pin besides money, I would be open to understanding it, but realistically, looking to see if a pin sells and at what price(s) may be the only public accessible way of judging a value, because we do not see what other people might be trading it for, or selling privately on pin boards, Facebook, etc. I mean, if someone could show where a pin is worth trading $150 worth of pins when it is selling for $90-$100, I am open to understanding that, but realistically there is no way to know that.
Sorry we could not work something out
They then said:
I know everyone sees things differently, but just so we are clear, Last time around I considered your pins $50 +30+30 =$110 verses $85 so I definitely did not consider it twice the value. And also to be clear I now consider the Scrooge pin to be way more difficult after going to eBay and looking at what the last 2 LE 100's Scrooge pins sold for at auction. I try not to look at that all the time though. Most times it is how much I want or don't want the pin. I wish you well on your search for your pins.
to which I replied:
I considered them a little higher since I had more vested in them, since some of them I had to get via secondary market means, whether in trade or purchase.
Also, yes, SOME Scrooge pins have been selling high, but looking at the specific one in question, the seller, who is probably one of the biggest Scrooge pin I have heard of since he always updates PinPics with new Scrooges, can not even sell it for $90 and has been trying for a while.
So out of all that, my question is, Are DAs a better pin, and automatically worth more, regardless of most characters, etc, even though some of more recent ones, like Jessicas as other characters, or Tangled pins, or Beloved Tales are steadily climbing in value? Am I misjudging the market, or am I right to stick with my way of looking at values in this case?
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