So who's going to DCA tomorrow?
It was at the Jules and Sons store in DCA. According to the cast member they were all sold out by 8:30am and they had received 420 boxes.
About 5 weeks ago I tried to find out who would have them. I heard they rotate stores so I went to Fly'n'buy and the lady flat out told me. "Our books says we'll have them the last thursday of March." I was tipped off by others about Westward Ho last month. Westward Ho had 480 boxes at 25 per person. I wonder if DCA only got 100 boxes or if the CM's didn't limit? At Westward Ho last month more than a few already knew it was DCA today. So my guess is if there are anymore relases they will be the last thursday of the month and at one of the LE pin stores, so DTD, LGM, etc.
I got there at 7:50 am. Apparently, they had a box of 80 pins but couldn't find the rest. There was already a line of people waiting while they looked. They came in around 8:30 am saying they found them. I was number 8 in line and got some. So more than 4 people got them.