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ZAPPED! Super Zapped by Mayaworld4u!!

ZAPPED! Super Zapped by Mayaworld4u!!


Duke Alex, Master Zapper
Rating - 100%
93   0   0
Miami, FL
So over the course of the last few months, I've established yet another very close friendship with a member of this hobby. This time, Hector (and family), a/k/a Mayaworld4u.

Today I get home from work to a HUGE box... Now, I was expecting some pins that he had gotten for me from DLR, but this box was HUGE...

I knew immediately that Hector was up to no good!!

I ran to the kitchen to grab a scissor, and I cut through the box... My son was standing right next to me in similar intrigue!

As I open the box, I start to see some handles... totally confusing! Soon thereafter, I discover A STOCKING!! But not just any stocking, A CARS STOCKING!!! It didn't take but 5 seconds for my son to rip the stocking out of my hands, hug it, and scream "Mine." The stocking is amazing!!

Hector, I am super thankful, not only because you made my day, but because you put such a huge smile on my son's face! -- And just FYI, we actually didn't have any stockings for him, and were just minutes before discussing getting some when we went shopping on Friday for some Christmas decor. We plan on putting the tree up on Saturday!! Thank you so much!!

Also, my wife is uncertain of whether or not to collect Frozen. If it's anything like Tangled, it's going to hurt the pockets. So, in anticipation of her watching the movie and falling in love, I've been trying to acquire the Frozen pins, and holding them until I know for certain... Hector, having learned of this through our conversations, got a hold of this baby, and zapped us with it!! -- Pin 98683: El Capitan Theatre Ticket Pin - Frozen



Hector, again, Thank you so much, my friend!! I don't have words to express how thankful I am!!
Look at the size of that stocking!!! Love it all. What a lovely surprise and most of all a great friend !
Happy holidays, and congrats :)