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ZAPPED! Thank you, Sabrina (Teddy_Ruxpin)!

ZAPPED! Thank you, Sabrina (Teddy_Ruxpin)!


Figaro Fan
Rating - 100%
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Southern California

Sabrina lives across the pond from me, but that doesn't stop us from being good friends!

We email each other back and forth all the time, and occasionally, we send each other gifts.

A while back, she told me that she was going on a family vacation to Disneyland Paris. She told me she wanted to get me something, and asked me to please check out all the DLRP pins and let her know what I liked. I thanked her but told her not to worry about picking me up anything, and told her to focus her energy on having a great trip, enjoying herself, and taking lots of pictures. :)

So the little bubble envelope that arrived about a week ago was quite a surprise! It took me a while to post this thread, because at first, I wasn't sure if maybe Sabrina was my Secret Santa all along, and I didn't want to post this in the wrong thread.

But after writing to the mods in charge of the exchange, it turns out Sabrina was NOT my Secret Santa. These pins she sent me from Paris were just a super-sweet holiday zap... <3


This "Lady and the Tramp" DLRP pin has been on my wants list forever. I love it!

She also got me these three adorable pins for my Peter Pan, holiday, and animal collections...


Look at Thumper with the Mickey wreath! :squeal: Too cute for words.

Thank you so much, Sabrina! You really shouldn't have, but I'm delighted you did. ;)

You are a great friend, and I wish you and your family nothing but the best for 2014.


:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:​