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ZAPPED! Thank you, SwinginKitten!!

ZAPPED! Thank you, SwinginKitten!!


Figaro Fan
Rating - 100%
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Southern California
As some of you may remember, a few weeks ago this happened:


In honor of her birthday, SwinginKitten said she'd send a free gift to the first few people who took pictures posing as their favorite pin. Hilarity ensued.

Anyway, today I got my package from her: Not one, but TWO beautiful pins!


One of them, the Siamese cats from Lady & the Tramp, was actually on my wish list! The other one (an adorable Christmas pin with Pluto) was not, but may as well have been, because I love anything that has to do with the winter holidays!

THANK YOU SO MUCH, SwinginKitten, and a belated Happy Birthday to you!!!
What an awesome idea! Sad I didn't know about it till now. Congrats on the pins!
You are SO welcome!!! You helped make my birthday FUN!!! I loved seeing your pictures and reading your story about running around getting items together to make up your picture. It was awesome! :)