The next UK/EU big hero 6 boxset
There's a misconception that Big Hero 6 didn't do well at the box office, but Worldwide: $409,511,530, is certainly a huge hit and I don't think it's played everywhere yet. I agree that those who want to collect the pins should start now because I do think it will get more difficult when it's out to buy.
I knew it was a big hit but it just hasn't gotten as much recognition as recent princess movies. I'm afraid BH6 pins are already expensive, or am I wrong?You're welcome.
I would say try to start collecting BH6 now, since I feel it'll become just as popular as WIR (those two are very comparable IMO), and considering how fast the WIR BT sold out yesterday (and how many people are looking for it)...But yeah, Baymax in particular is growing in popularity.
I'm hoping to get the BH6 marquee and Baymax jumbo pins, but I can't afford them and have no good traders... D:
I love her work too! It's so wonderful looking at her IG account, because it's just cute Baymax after Baymax after Baymax...<3