QUESTION Tips for Introducing the next generation of Pin Traders?

So I've been pin collecting since 2005ish (omg when did time pass?) but was last in the parks in 2015.

I'm going to the Girl Scout convention in Disney World this July and have been tasked with teaching the girls joining us (just the ones from my area) about Pins (buying, trading, lanyards, etc)

My question(s) is/are:
What would you have wanted to know about pins and pin trading when you first started out.
And what, if anything, has changed about trading and etiquette since I was there last?
I want them to enjoy it like I have so they have a part of the Park they can show off and a hobby they can partake in when they aren't in the parks. :)

Thanks for your help in advance!!!

(I purchased/am donating traders/my less fave pins to start them out)
Thanks once again everyone!! The girls had an absolute blast pin trading. I got some hooked and others are definitely going to be making life long collections. One of the older girls is a little socially awkward and was having some confidence issues and Pin Trading has really helped her bridge the gap this week. She was able to use the advice you all helped pass along while collecting SWAPS from other girl scouts which was really rewarding to watch. She went from not feeling comfortable talking to anyone to being able to ask to look at cast members pin boards to asking complete strangers where they were from and if they had any SWAPS left that she could have. (There are a couple ways to collect them that I won't go into unless someone wants to message me separately to ask.)
Two other little girls got really excited about it and one filled up TWO brand new lanyards full of pins. Her sister is 6 and had to learn not to grab other people's lanyards. Which is a good lesson to learn and I'm glad she learned it with me and not a rando.
Cute story time: I had a couple extra traders that I used when a kid was having some sensory issues or their parents did not want to buy another thing and I would let them pick one they wanted to start their collection and the parents always looked super relieved/grateful. One even found me later (kid) and gave me a hug while showing off what they traded for.
I had a random 5 year old GS who came up to me the last night of the convention and asked me in a teeny tiny voice if I would "twade wid her. Pweese it was her first trade ever!" And was extremely happy when I said "Of course!"
Thanks again everyone for all your tips and tricks! The girls all had a great time. :)
Ok now I get the "jeepers mister, you're really strong" voice from Pain and Panic as kids in Hercules when you bring up the "pweese" voice. I would be a sucker in a heartbeat for those kids lol. Sounds like everyone had a flipping fantastic time!! Congratulations on the great trip!! So many wonderful memories made
Thanks once again everyone!! The girls had an absolute blast pin trading. I got some hooked and others are definitely going to be making life long collections. One of the older girls is a little socially awkward and was having some confidence issues and Pin Trading has really helped her bridge the gap this week. She was able to use the advice you all helped pass along while collecting SWAPS from other girl scouts which was really rewarding to watch. She went from not feeling comfortable talking to anyone to being able to ask to look at cast members pin boards to asking complete strangers where they were from and if they had any SWAPS left that she could have. (There are a couple ways to collect them that I won't go into unless someone wants to message me separately to ask.)
Two other little girls got really excited about it and one filled up TWO brand new lanyards full of pins. Her sister is 6 and had to learn not to grab other people's lanyards. Which is a good lesson to learn and I'm glad she learned it with me and not a rando.
Cute story time: I had a couple extra traders that I used when a kid was having some sensory issues or their parents did not want to buy another thing and I would let them pick one they wanted to start their collection and the parents always looked super relieved/grateful. One even found me later (kid) and gave me a hug while showing off what they traded for.
I had a random 5 year old GS who came up to me the last night of the convention and asked me in a teeny tiny voice if I would "twade wid her. Pweese it was her first trade ever!" And was extremely happy when I said "Of course!"
Thanks again everyone for all your tips and tricks! The girls all had a great time. :)
This warms my heart so much. So glad they discovered this fun hobby of pins.