To Judy the most tiggerfic person on the boards.
Darling Judy I just wanted to say thank you for the package. The address I have on file is my fiance's place and he said I had a package waiting me at his place. So I told him to open it up and to send photos which I will upload when I get them off my iphone. He sent a photo of the letter. Totally made my cruddy day. I ended up crying with joy from the letter.
First pin is pin 89485 Princess Merida and pin 88724 Zodiac Collection Gemini Tweedledee and Twedledum Chaser were in two little packages.
In the big box was a minnie mouse ornament named Playful Minnie. She has two handbells.
Judy you have honestly made my day so much better by sending that package. Sending me two pins I never thought I would be getting and also a really pretty ornament.
Just wanted to say thank you for being so awesome and actually caring so much about me and the fact that I didn't get anything for the DPF Secret Santa 2011.
I promise to upload photos.
First pin is pin 89485 Princess Merida and pin 88724 Zodiac Collection Gemini Tweedledee and Twedledum Chaser were in two little packages.
In the big box was a minnie mouse ornament named Playful Minnie. She has two handbells.
Judy you have honestly made my day so much better by sending that package. Sending me two pins I never thought I would be getting and also a really pretty ornament.
Just wanted to say thank you for being so awesome and actually caring so much about me and the fact that I didn't get anything for the DPF Secret Santa 2011.
I promise to upload photos.