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Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day

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Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day


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Scottsdale, AZ
Since I am a teacher, we observe some pretty strange holidays and celebrations. Well, anyway, today is Talk Like a Pirate Day. I am going to tell some kid pirate jokes, teach them the lingo, and read some pirate picture books. But more importantly, I will be wearing three of my pirate pins! So be sure to pull out those PotC pins today!
If you talk like a pirate at Krispy Kreme (donuts) today, you get a free glazed donut. Dress up like one and you get a dozen free glazed donuts!
Why are pirates called pirates?
(They just arrrrrgh!)

How much did the pirate pay for his earrings?
(A buccaneer!)

How much did the pirate pay for his hook and peg leg?
(An arm and a leg!)

Why can't you take a picture of a pirate with a wooden leg?
(Because a wooden leg doesn't take pictures!)

What is a pirate's favorite subject?

What is a pirate's favorite country?

What are pirates afraid of?
(The darrrrrk!)

Why did the pirate go on vacation?
(For arrrrrgh and arrrrrgh!)

Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
(Because they spend years at C!)

What grades did the pirate get in school?
(High C's!)

What do you call a pirate with two eyes and two legs?
(A rookie!)

Why didn't the pirate's phone work?
(Because he left it off the hook!)

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Why are pirates great singers?
(They can hit the high C's!)

Why couldn't the pirate play cards?
(Because he was standing on the deck!)

What do you call a pirate that skips class?
Captain Hooky!)

What did a pirate pay for his corn?
(A buccaneer!)

Why didn't the pirate go to the movies?
(Because it was arrrrrrgh rated!)

What kind of socks does a pirate wear?

Why didn't the pirate get hungry on the desert island?
Because of the sand-which is there!

What has eight legs and eight eyes?
(Eight pirates!)

Why are pirates so mean?
(They just arrrrrgh!)

What does a dyslexic pirate say?

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Interrupting pirate!

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What's a pirate's second favorite mode of transportation?


What's a pirate's favorite mode of transporation?

A boat. Duh.
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