It seems that people are really good at last second bids. I got outbid on a lot of Stitch Auctions pins about a month ago; I put in a max bid of $500 with 30 seconds left and held it for 29 seconds; literally, 6 people bid on it with 1 second left and it sold to someone else for $560. No naming names, but the person then posted their new pins they bought in a DPF thread I started about my pin collection trying to show off within my thread. Every single one of the pins that were in the auction were in the pic they posted and only those pins (thats how I knew it was them btw), and they were bragging that they had an awesome collection after only 2 months of "collecting". But then I found a thread they started here on DPF where they were selling every single one of the pins that they had won in the auction and for far, far more than what they had paid. It seems their post in my thread was really an advertisement for what they were trying to sell. I was trying to get them for my collection, someone else won them and flipped them for profit.
To top it off, there are "sniping" programs out there that you can use that will literally put in a max bid digitally on your behalf with a pre-specified amount at -the- very last second and you don't have to be anywhere near a computer to do it. However, this is really dangerous because you have to entrust the program with your evilbay login info. Thats all I need, someone going in with my info and having a brand new iphone shipped to Algeria after they change my shipping address.
Oh well, such is evilbay.