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ZAPPED! Two zaps in one day! OMG! O.O

ZAPPED! Two zaps in one day! OMG! O.O


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Irvine, CA
Today has been a really rough one, but these two packages have put a smile on my face! First, I received a nice PIF pin from tiggermickey(Judy) and she included a really cute pin as a ZAP:

Pin 3450: 2001 Walt Disney Travel Company (Mickey &
Minnie in Pink Car)

She also included a sheet of address labels with my name/addy that she made!!! :D

And then I got a package I've been waiting for from DisneyDreamer(Barbara), who sold it to Vixy, who traded it to me:

Pin 36446: WDW - Chinese New Year 2005 (Robin

As if that wasn't enough, barbara was AWESOME and zapped me with this beautiful pin:

Pin 6074: 100 Years of Magic - Robin Hood

To use as a trader, since I already have it, to get something else I want!!!

On this, a very dark and difficult day for me, you two ladies have shown me kindness and I really, really appreciate it!!! Big huge hugs to both of you, and of course to Vixy for trading me the Robin Hood Chinese New Year pin!!!! YOU LADIES ROCK!!!
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Oh YAY! I had just PMed you to ask if it got there, and then went to check new posts. Yayyy! Mine got here today too, I'm going to make a post to the Mail Days thread as soon as I can. Woohoo trading! :D