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UK Charity PIN meet- WE NEED YOU!

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UK Charity PIN meet- WE NEED YOU!


Active DPF Member
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St Helens, near Liverpool
Dear fellow DPFer's

As you may or may not know xlainyx (Elaine) is hosting a charity pin meet in the UK in July.

The charity is for Scott Ward Schofield Memorial Fund.

The Scott Ward Schofield Memorial Fund is a newly founded charity formed in memory of Scott Ward Schofield who suffered from a rare skin disorder Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). A genetic disorder where the sufferer's external and internal skin is so fragile that it blisters and peels off at the slightest touch, causing horrendous pain for them.

Scott loved to pin trade and in his honour we are holding a pin meet to raise money for the fund. As a part of this we are hoping to fill up a pin board with donated pins to raffle off and hopefully make as much money as possible. The board has been purchased and already has a few pins on it but we want to fill it so I am here to ask if anyone can donate a pin to the board? It doesn't have to be rare, ltd edition or anything along those lines, just any pin you can spare for us to put on the board and raffle away to make some money and honour the memory of little Scott.

If you would like to donate, please send me a PM and I will give you an address to send the pins to.

Thank you all for reading!

P.S. For information on the Pin meet if you wish to attend please check out the thread below!

UK Charity Pin Meet Info
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Thank you Laura for starting this thread! I'm very excited about hosting my first pin trading day but even more excited about being able to raise awareness and funds for this great new charity. Thank you also to anyone who donates a pin, you kindness is very much appreciated. I will post a picture of the pin board once it starts filling up!
hi,it sounds a great idea.i'd like to send a pin or two to help out with this so please pm me the address to send to.
Hi Martin it is going to be held in Oldham Lancashire. There is a thread set up in the Pin Trading Gatherings section with all the details! Would be great if you could make it as its for a great cause!
You're welcome Elaine, anything I can do to help you know that!

I have PM'd people up to here, please let me know if you didn't receive my PM as DPF can bea bit of a pest with the PM's!

Thank you for showing interest and I hope we can fill that board up!
Thank you all for your donations so far. If you would like to donate a pin for the raffle please do! It is such a great charity and Scott was a good friend of mine and I can think of a better way to honour his memory than holding a pin trading day. Scott loved all things Disney and had an impressive collection going. All money raised from the raffle and pin trading day will go straight to the charity that Scotts mum has set up to help other children who suffer from EB like Scott did.
I'd be happy to send a couple of pins. Please PM me the address. What a great cause! You guys are very sweet friends.
Ickle Bump... Disney Pin Traders of the World Unite for Charity! Thank you to all who have been so kind as to donate pins for the raffle for the Charity pin trading day! If you would like to donate a pin or anything else Disney please inbox me or the lovely Laura for details of where to send them. All money raise will go to the charity and it is a great cause!
Can we send pin's to you...?

Sent pins on Friday!!! Please let me know that they have made the trip. Can't wait to see the pics. Good luck on raising money for such a great cause.
Ickle Bump... Disney Pin Traders of the World Unite for Charity! Thank you to all who have been so kind as to donate pins for the raffle for the Charity pin trading day! If you would like to donate a pin or anything else Disney please inbox me or the lovely Laura for details of where to send them. All money raise will go to the charity and it is a great cause! Thank You! BIG THANK YOU! To all who have donated pins so far! x x x​
Just 3 weeks to go before the Charity Pin Trading event! If you would like to donate a pin to go on the cork board that will be raffled off to raise even more funds for the charity please inbox me for details of where to send them. Thank you so much to those who have donated so far. For those of you in the UK there is an article in the Take A break Magazine that came out on June 23rd about Scott who the charity has been set up for in his memory to help children who suffer from EB like he did. The money raised helps pay for holidays for children with EB and their families to go on much needed holidays.

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