Ummm....hi everybody! I'm not sure if this is the right place or if I'm doing this correctly but this is Becca's sister. I promised her that I would do this sooner but to be perfectly honest I forgot....About 2 weeks or so ago Becca received a phone call telling her that she had obtained a scholarship position for a mission trip to Eithiopia! She had applied through her college and if she was able to get in she would get scholarship money. She never heard back from them and the time of the trip came and she assumed that she hadn't gotten in. Apparently due to some mishap in their office her letter was never sent. When she received her phone call she literally had 2 hours before she had to leave for the airport to meet the other mission trippers. She left me a peice of paper asking if I would take care of a few pin related things for her including letting you all know where she was and why she wouldn't be on. One of the things was mailing out some pins that were supposed to come in for her for someone named ashkai and if you have been trying to get ahold of Becca I am very sorry. I meant to do this right after she left but I forgot until I picked up her mail and found two pins. One Mulan. One Robin Hood. So ashkai and doodlebug86 your pins will go out in the morning as Becca left me her book with your envelopes and such! I'm very sorry if you have been worrying or anything. For anyone else trying to get in touch with my sister she will be back in the States next Monday! I've managed to hear from her once and from the sound of it things are going very well. I know she will be very excited to get back to this community as pretty much all she talks about is pins...again I'm sorry if anybody was worried or agitated when they could not get ahold of her. She was going to get on herself but I promised to do it for her. apologies!