Wanted: Pin 38319: Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Dumbo & Mrs. Jumbo
Anybody know where I can buy/trade for Pin 38319: Disney Auctions (P.I.N.S.) - Dumbo & Mrs. Jumbo?
Pinpics quote "Locked in a cart barely large enough to hold her, Mrs. Jumbo finds a way to nurture her precious son on this heartbreaking gold-finished character pin, a Disney Auctions exclusive in a limited edition of 250 fixed-price pins, available only from Disney's Purchase It Now Store at DisneyAuctions.com.
The car is shades of purple with wheels. Dumbo's mother's face can be seen through the window. Her trunk is hanging down outside and she is holding baby Dumbo. Signs on the car read "Danger Keep Out", "Danger" and "Mad Elephant".