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Auction Ended: What is it? You'll have to look to see!!!

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Auction Ended: What is it? You'll have to look to see!!!


Active DPF Member
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Anaheim California

For a leadup to an epic auction I'm auctioning this pin off.
Here is the link http://gallery.pinpics.com/cgi-bin/pin.cgi?pin=83326&sid=4925.1355811627.v2

There are 20 trading and 141 wanting

PLease follow all dpf rules, no cash offers, and definatly no pm offers.
As always I love stitch le pins( love aalmost all le stitch) from DA espessialy 100's i also like hard to find da, up, podm, tangled,Beloved tales, marquees, jessicas, very few princess mostly snow white, paris pin ptn and paris pin,and very many more

Dislikes include
fab five ( any of them i hate)
hidden mickeys
prince of persia
higher trade then wants.

Thank you for looking and good luck,
Calvin Horash

AMAZING PIN!!!!! I have this pin, but I absolutely adore it and I am posting here to remind myself to come back and bid (given I can still compete at the time). I'm really tired right now though so perhaps my eyes are fooling me, but I can't seem to find when this auction ends in the OP. Let me know as I want to know when I have to be back by!!!
Okay was just curious ,and figured it didn't hurt to try .Well then I'm out for now I suppose because Nothing I have would be good enough for you at the moment.
I have mixed emotions about this pin. I have almost every Sci-Fi Academy event pin they made and I held 2 of these on two different occasions at LGM and was going to buy them and said, "nah, I don't like it all that much." It was about the first time I was buying LE pins. I bought the posters and not this. Now it's a sleeper hit with cult following and has skyrocketed in pin value. I just don't know if I want it that bad or not. I've never played Kingdom Hearts so I can only appreciate it as a Sci-Fi Academy pin and it's not so much retro nor science fiction as it is about a video game Anime people seem to love. So...to bid or not to bid...that is the question.
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