What to Collect For Others?
I'm pretty darn new to this trading pin thing and I've definitely been bitten by the bug since my honeymoon. I got quite a few things in the parks when I went and I've continued to trawl through Ebay for more good finds(Mostly Scar, but also other Lion King, Bambi, Wall-E, Pirates, etc). I traded a Merida pin to my sister in law(Didn't know she had a lanyard!) for a Nala core pin that was hard to find for less than $20.00, but noticed that the vast majority of my collection I consider "keepers". So here's my question...what are some good and popular pin themes to collect for trading? I just don't have the ability to give away the ones I worked hard to find, but I've enjoyed my limited trading experiences. I'd love to pick up pins I know others would enjoy, but that I feel happy and free to trade without guilt or cringing.