What's your favorite, maybe a little odd, pin?
DPF Charter Member
DPF Charter Member
Does anyone have a pin that they just love and would never part with? I'm not talking a pin that is worth tons of $$$ or is wanted by 100's of people that no one is trading, but one that is just highly valued by YOU!
Maybe you love it because of who gave it to you. Or maybe it was purchased on a special trip. Or maybe even it reminds you of someone who isn't here anymore.
Let's hear the stories & see the pins! I'll start.
One pin that I would never give up is this one...
It isn't hugely valuable and no one else here would probably even care about it. But I grew up watching Annette Funicello and being that my name is Annette, it means a lot to me. I would never trade or sell it. As a matter of fact, I may decide to be buried with it pinned to my dress!
Ok.... spill, everyone!