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ZAPPED! Wow thank you colorwindpainter!!!

ZAPPED! Wow thank you colorwindpainter!!!


Sir David, Grail Slayer Knight
Rating - 100%
735   0   0
seattle, wa
First let me say I love Mondays!!! It seems like I get a lot of zaps on them. Today is no different. Thanks to Melissa (colorwindpainter) I received another grail pin. This is the beauty I received:


It is so cool and will look great in my Star Tours collection!!! Thank you so much Melissa!!! Did I mention I love Mondays?
Wow awesome!! I have been looking for that one from the beginning of the war so I could zap you with it but could never find it. How the heck did she find it? She must have magical powers or something! Congrats!!!
Wow awesome!! I have been looking for that one from the beginning of the war so I could zap you with it but could never find it. How the heck did she find it? She must have magical powers or something! Congrats!!!

hahahahaa. it wasn't easy that's for sure. :p im glad you like the pin and I love messing up peoples signatures and depleting their wants list if I can....bwahahaha. now on to the next victim...
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EXCELLENT!!!!!! WTG!!!!! I am so excited that you found a grail from that HUGE list in his siggy!

Oh, congrats to David too! FIX IT! LOL
Why fix it? There are still 3 on there that are needed. :lol:

That set has no one trading it, even individually, so actually Amy as 2 and you don't have any! I am not saying take those down just add a new page! Give us poor peeps something to work with dang it! :poke:
That set has no one trading it, even individually, so actually Amy as 2 and you don't have any! I am not saying take those down just add a new page! Give us poor peeps something to work with dang it! :poke:

But I am enjoying annoying you about this. :lol: I might just have to wait until after the party in case you are up to something.

It seems that you are running out of grails, what then? Congratulations!

Then I have to beg Alex for a new one, or should I say his better half.

That's a good thing no? You are one of the nicest people on this forum. I just want to contribute and share in the pin happiness. :)

That is a great thing. I am always happy to inspire others to bring joy to the people here. As for me, I just like giving back to the place that brings me so much happiness.