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ZAPPED! Zapped Again! The holidays came early for me this year. :)

ZAPPED! Zapped Again! The holidays came early for me this year. :)


Figaro Fan
Rating - 100%
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Southern California

So... I'm Jewish. And as much as I love being Jewish, it kind of sucks come holiday time.

Think about it. We don't have Santa. We don't have elves. We don't reindeer. We don't have trees. We don't even have good songs. (Sorry, Adam Sandler.) All we have are menorahs and dreidels. If you go out shopping for something special come December, and you luck out and wind up at a store that actually HAS Hanukkah stuff, its always the same lame blue and white dreck. Do you know how boring that sh*t gets - year after year after year?

So when a nice Jewish girl like me opens up her mailbox and finds something as cool and unique as a Disney Hanukkah pin, she finds it hard not to "plotz" from excitement.


Isn't it awesome?
The dreidel actually spins!

To: Hope (a.k.a. hopemax)
I don't know what inspired you to send me such a thoughtful and beautiful zap - I wish I could give you a great big hug! Now I can't wait until Winter, because I totally plan on wearing this pin to my family's next Hanukkah party. Thank you!! ❤
Glad you like it. I click on matches looking for people I can zap, and usually I don't find something that would work. But with your list, we had a match. So enjoy!