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  1. Ninpin

    The Good Dinosaur Fake/Scrapper Pins Thread

    Since I've been on the look out for new Good Dinosaur pins, I was surprised to find a unique one coming from a known scrapper seller in China today (I didn't buy it, but it's on eBay if you search). I've never seen this pin before, and I have no idea if it's a flat out fake or if it's a scrapper...
  2. Ninpin

    DSF Wreck-It Ralph Surprise Release LE 150 King Candy

    EDIT: Sale pending/sold! Hello all! Things are a bit tight right now, as work has been needing less people lately and unfortunately I'm sort of stuck in limbo waiting to hear of when I might get a position there again (if ever). Due to other circumstances I cannot exactly jump into another...
  3. Ninpin

    ZAPPED! ANOTHER Sssurprise - Zapped By Loomi

    I'm ssspoiled! :lol: Loomi did it again! Another great pin for my main Kaa collection! Can't wait to add it to the rest! I also got a couple of really neat Frozen cards with it! AH! SO NICE! My wall of "random Disney stuff" is getting fuller too, haha! Thank you so much, Loomi!
  4. Ninpin

    ZAPPED! A Sssurprise - Zapped By Loomi

    Oh my! I don't know what to sssay! :anxious: I'll try to refrain from adding cheesy extra S's to everything right now, haha, but I'm SO THRILLED to have received this special zap from Loomi! As per usual, it came at a time when I really needed a pick-me-up, and I was not expecting it at all...
  5. Ninpin

    Next Week's DSS King Candy LE 400

    Edit: Just officially closing this to keep things tidy.
  6. Ninpin

    New Pin Enthusiast

    Never thought I'd be into this! (Actually, I didn't even know such a thing existed until a few weeks ago!) Hello, I'm an artist (hobbyist) of both original design and fan works. I've been an enthusiast of character design and development for most of my life, and have been exploring other ways...